So I went to my first college sporting event at the age of 26, never been to one before, none of the schools I went to had sport teams, it would have been funny if the art institute did have one though, nobody would have cared - but I enjoyed the hell out of it - my good friend Jason lives in Florida now and he was up for Thanksgiving and he was given a couple of tickets to the huge rivalry game of Georgia Tech vs. The University of Georgia and he was kind enough to invite me along. Tech lost but it was still really good. We tailgated first with Rob, Melissa and family and that was fun, but they don't serve beer in the stadium, boo!
Since all of our family lives in another state and another country we were on our own for Thanksgiving, luckily Betsy and Graham were kind enough to force two thanksgiving feasts down and came to our house after they went to see their family.