Monday, September 11, 2006


Here are some more pics of friends in Michigan and from Bosak coming to visit the ATL.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Marriage of Mike and Meghann

Our good friends got married and Suzanne and I were honoured to be part of their day, thank you Mike and Meghann you guys are beautiful!

- The beautiful bride and groom

- Daddy daughter dance

- Mother and son

- My beautiful bride and I

- 30 minutes before the single life ends

- The brothers Schaef

- Me, Suzanne and my parents

- Suzanne and Meghann at the rehearsal

- Mikey and I at the rehearsal

Our Nephews

Our nephews are the cutest things, and they can break dance!

- Murphy trying to break it down as well

- My ride in the rain (I had to put that up somewhere)

Mikey's Bachelor Party

Our good friends Mike and Meghann got married September 2nd in Michigan, here are some pictures from Mike's bachelor party.

- Mike and I before we went out

- Mike and I during the night

- Our limo driver with her nice bus driver (limo driver) hair!

- Mike and I at the end of the night (notice the transition)

- Some random chicks trying to get in on our fun, get out of it!

- Had to put these up, sorry Mikey!

How's This For Cute

Uncie Bryan and Aunt Claire, this is especially for you guys...